26 Generic System Classes

The Generic System Objects (GenSystem, GenScreen, and GenField) act as the root objects in the GEOS UI. Every application you create will be in a generic tree headed by these objects; however, you will rarely need to interact with these objects.

The system objects are created by GEOS automatically; you will never need to declare instances of these objects within your code. Whenever an application object is instantiated, the system automatically attaches it to the generic and visible trees headed by these objects.

This chapter is meant to show you how these objects work within the GEOS system, what capabilities they automatically provide for you, and what information they contain that may aid in debugging efforts.

26.1 The System Objects

The GenSystem, GenScreen, and GenField objects work to create a platform for your application to run upon. You will never create these objects, and you might never need to communicate with them. Nevertheless, some applications will want to send messages to these objects. Also, while you are debugging code, you may find it useful to examine the instance data of these objects (though you may never change this data). For these reasons, the objects are fully documented here.

When GEOS starts up, it creates a single GenSystem object. This object is the top-most object of a generic tree which contains all GenApplication objects. It also maintains a separate tree which contains the GenScreen objects. Whenever GEOS is running, there will be exactly one GenSystem object. All generic objects which are displayed on any screen will belong to the generic tree headed by the GenSystem. (See Figure 26-1.)

image info
Figure 26-1 Hierarchy of System Objects
The GenApplication maintains a set of links to the GenScreen objects; this is distinct from the generic tree headed by the GenSystem. Every GenScreen is the parent of a Visible tree; its children are all GenFields displayed on that screen.

GEOS creates a GenScreen for every screen being used by the system. Each screen is the head of a Visible tree. (GEOS currently does not support multiple screens on a single system; however, future versions may support multiple screens.)

GEOS can provide several different environments, all of which may be running simultaneously on a single machine. For example, Geoworks Ensemble provides “Beginner,” “Intermediate,” and “Advanced” rooms. Each of these environments is represented by a GenField object. Each GenField object is a generic child of the GenSystem. It is also a Visible child of the appropriate GenScreen.

Every Application object is the child of a GenField. When an application is started, its GenApplication is automatically attached to the appropriate GenField, which is generally the GenField which was active when the application was started. An application may transfer itself to a different GenField; this will have the effect of moving the application to a different GEOS environment.

26.2 The GenSystem Object

Whenever GEOS is running, there is a single GenSystem object. This object is the head of the generic tree which contains all generic objects being displayed on any screen. (There may be other generic object trees which are not connected to the GenSystem; however, these objects will have no user interface. For example, every GenDocumentGroup is the head of a separate generic object tree.)

26.2.1 GenSystem Features

The GenSystem object has many responsibilities. Most of these are of no interest to the application. There are a few which applications will want to know about:

  • The GenSystem is the head of the generic tree which contains all generic objects which are usable on any screen. This makes it a useful reference point when searching through generic objects during debugging.

  • The GenSystem keeps track of the specific UI under which GEOS is running.

  • The GenSystem keeps track of the default GenScreen object. Whenever a new GenField is created, it is made a visible child of that GenScreen.

  • The GenSystem keeps track of the default GenField object. Whenever an application is started, the application object will be made a generic child of the default GenField.

The GenSystem is also used as a convenient point to alter such system-wide features as the mouse pointer image, system modality, and the layering of windows.

26.2.2 GenSystem Instance Data

GenSystemClass instance data is internal and should never be set or altered by your application. It is provided here for reference, in case you need to examine the data during debugging. However, your code should not examine the data directly; instead, it should use the messages described in section 26.2.3 below to examine these fields.

GenSystem itself should also never be subclassed and instances of the class may not be statically defined, nor instantiated by applications or libraries other than the UI library itself.

Code Display 26-1 GenSystem Instance Data

/* Never access or alter these instance data fields.
 * They are for internal use only. */

@instance Handle			GSYI_specificUI;
@instance Handle			GSYI_defaultUI;
@instance optr			GSYI_defaultScreen;
@instance optr			GSYI_defaultField;
@instance @composite			GSYI_screenComp;

GSYI_specificUI stores the handle of the specific UI in use by this system object. By default, this specific UI will also be the same specific UI used by all applications underneath this system object.

GSYI_defaultUI stores the handle of the default specific UI to use for the next loaded application. This may be overridden by a GenField (though this is rare). For all intents and purposes, GSYI_defaultUI will be the same as GSYI_specificUI.

GSYI_defaultScreen stores an optr of a GenScreen. By default, new GenField objects will be made visible children of this GenScreen.

GSYI_defaultField stores the optr of a GenField. By default, new application objects will be made generic children of this GenField. This may be overridden with MSG_GEN_APP_ADD_TO_PARENT, though normal applications will not do this.

GSYI_screenComp stores the optr of the first GenScreen object child. The GenSystem is the head of two object trees. One is a visible tree containing all GenScreen objects; the other is a generic tree containing all application objects (and their generic children). The generic tree is specified by GI_comp, as usual.

26.2.3 GenSystem Basics

MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_SET_DEFAULT_FIELD Some of the **GenSystemClass** instance data can be examined or changed  with messages. Applications may find out the current default screen or  default field with MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_GET_DEFAULT_SCREEN and  MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_GET_DEFAULT_FIELD, respectively. Applications may  also set the default field with MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_SET_DEFAULT_FIELD.  (Only the system may set the default screen.)

You may retrieve the optr of the current default GenScreen object in use by the system with MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_GET_DEFAULT_SCREEN. You may not change the system’s screen object, however.

You may also retrieve the optr of the current default GenField object that GenApplications will be attached to when loaded with MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_GET_DEFAULT_FIELD.


optr	MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_GET_DEFAULT_SCREEN(); This message returns the optr of the default GenScreen. By default, any  GenFields will be made visible children of this GenScreen.

Source: Unrestricted.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

Parameters: None.

Return: The optr of the current default GenScreen object (GSYI_defaultScreen).

Interception: Not intercepted.


optr	MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_GET_DEFAULT_FIELD(); This message returns the optr of the default GenField. By default, new  applications will be made generic children of this GenField.

Source: Unrestricted.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

Parameters: None.

Return: The optr of the current default GenField object (GSYI_defaultField).

Interception: Not intercepted.


		optr	defaultField); This message changes the default GenField for the GenSystem. By default,  new applications will be made generic children of this GenField.

Source: Unrestricted.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

optr - The optr of the new default GenField object.

Return: Nothing.

Interception: Not intercepted.

26.2.4 Advanced GenSystem Usage

MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_LOWER_GEODE_TO_BOTTOM You may alter the pointer image in use at the system level with  MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_SET_PTR_IMAGE. Pass this message the **PointerDef**  image to use and the **PointerImageLevel** for the pointer image to  represent.

MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_NOTIFY_SYS_MODAL_WIN_CHANGE is sent to the GenSystem whenever it needs to check the status of any system-modal windows. This message is called by the UI whenever it needs to check this information. The message looks for the top window on the screen residing at a window priority of WIN_PRIO_MODAL within a window layer of LAYER_PRIO_MODAL; it then re-directs input to the owning geode’s input object. If no system modal window is up, input returns along its normal flow pattern.

MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_BRING_GEODE_TO_TOP raises a geode’s layer to the top, giving the application the focus and target (if it is focusable and/or targetable). Applications will not generally send this message; instead, they will send MSG_GEN_BRING_TO_TOP to the application object, and its handler will send MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_BRING_GEODE_TO_TOP to the GenSystem.

MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_LOWER_GEODE_TO_BOTTOM lowers a geode’s layer to the bottom, releases the focus and target from the application (if it had them), and then determines the most suitable geode to grant the focus and target exclusives to. Again, applications will not generally send this message; instead, they will send MSG_GEN_LOWER_TO_BOTTOM to the application object, and its handler will send MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_LOWER_GEODE_TO_BOTTOM to the GenSystem.


		optr			ptrImage,
		PtrImageLevel	level); This message alters the system-wide pointer image. 

Source: Unrestricted.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

optr - A pointer to a PointerDef structure.

level - The PtrImageLevel to use.

Return: Nothing.

Interception: Not intercepted.


void	MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_NOTIFY_SYS_MODAL_WIN_CHANGE(); This message is sent to the system object by the UI when it needs to check  the status of any system modal windows.

Source: The UI. You should not send this message yourself.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

Interception: Not intercepted.


void	MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_MARK_BUSY(); This message is called by the GenField or GenApplication object while an  application is being launched but is not yet on screen. While marked busy,  the UI will continue to allow mouse events through. Each message sent to the  system object needs a MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_MARK_NOT_BUSY to undo its  busy state. Therefore, if multiple MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_MARK_BUSY messages  are sent, an equal number of the MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_MARK_NOT_BUSY  messages need to be sent to take down the busy cursor.

Source: The UI. You should not send this message yourself.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

Interception: Not intercepted.


void	MSG_GEN_SYSTEM_MARK_NOT_BUSY(); This message is called by the GenField or GenApplication object when an  application no longer needs to mark an application busy that has been  brought on-screen.

Source: The UI. You should not send this message yourself.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

Interception: Not intercepted.


		word		geode,
		word		layerID,
		Handle		parentWindow); This message raises a geode's window layer to the top and gives that geode  the focus and target (if the geode if focusable/targetable). This message is  called from within the UI to implement "autoraise," the automatic raising of  a geode and the transferring of the focus and target when clicked upon. This  message is also called by the GenApplication's handler for  MSG_GEN_BRING_TO_TOP.

Source: Usually the specific UI, in response to an autoraise, or in response to MSG_GEN_BRING_TO_TOP.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

geode - GeodeHandle of the application.

layerID - LayerID of window.

parentWindow - Handle of the parent window to bring to top.

Return: Nothing.

Interception: Not intercepted.


		word		geode,
		word		layerID,
		Handle		parentWindow); This message lowers a geode's window layer to the bottom, releases any focus  and target exclusives, and assigns new focus and target exclusives to the  most suitable remaining geode. This message is called by the  GenApplication's handler for MSG_GEN_LOWER_TO_BOTTOM.

Source: Usually in response to MSG_GEN_LOWER_TO_BOTTOM.

Destination: The GenSystem object.

geode - GeodeHandle of the application.

layerID - LayerID of the window.

parentWindow - Handle of the parent window to lower to the bottom.

Return: Nothing.

Interception: Generally not intercepted.

26.3 The GenScreen Object

The GenScreen object is an abstract representation of the video screen in use by the system. Its visible bounds are the bounds of the associated screen’s video driver.

Currently, only one screen may be in use at a time, so there will be only one GenScreen at any time. (In the future, multiple screens may be supported.) Every visible component of your system will therefore be associated with a single GenScreen object.

26.3.1 GenScreen Instance Data

GenScreenClass instance data is internal and should never be set or altered by your application. It is provided here for reference, in case you need to examine the data during debugging.

@instance Handle			GSCI_videoDriver;

GSCI_videoDriver stores the handle of the current video driver in use by the system. This video driver will be used in building the visible tree beneath this object. You should never set this video driver yourself.

26.4 GenField Objects

The GenField object sets the generic field in which all GenApplications attached below it will reside. There may be several GenFields at the same time; each provides a distinct environment for applications. For example, in Geoworks Ensemble, the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced Rooms are GenFields.

26.4.1 GenField Features

GenField objects perform many functions. All of these functions are transparent to the application; indeed, most applications can ignore the GenField’s existence. Among other things, the GenField does the following:

  • It provides a field on which to display windows and other independent UI objects (such as icons, detached menus, etc.).

  • It sets the complexity level (novice, advanced, etc.) for all applications under it.

  • It manages the Express menu (if one is present).

26.4.2 GenField Instance Data

GenFieldClass instance data is internal and should never be set or altered by your application. It is provided here for reference, in case you need to examine the data during debugging.

Code Display 26-2 GenField Instance Data

/* All of these instance fields are internal. They are listed 
 * and described here for background information only. */

@instance GenFieldFlags		GFI_flags = 0;

typedef ByteFlags GenFieldFlags;
#define GFF_DETACHING				0x80
#define GFF_LOAD_BITMAP				0x40
#define GFF_RESTORING_APPS			0x20

@instance optr			GFI_visParent = 0;
@instance byte			GFI_numDetachedApps = 0;
@instance byte			GFI_numRestartedApps = 0;
@instance byte			GFI_numAttachingApps = 0;
@instance ChunkHandle	GFI_apps = 0;
@instance ChunkHandle	GFI_processes = 0;
@instance ChunkHandle	GFI_genApplications = 0;
@instance byte			GFI_numAppsToCheck = 0;
@instance optr			GFI_notificationDestination = 0;

GFI_flags stores the GenFieldFlags of the GenField object. These flags are for internal bookkeeping purposes.

GFI_visParent stores the optr of the GenScreen object that acts as this GenField’s visible parent. This is typically set just before setting the GenField GS_USABLE (although it may be left to the specific UI to fill in.) During MSG_META_DETACH, this field is cleared; it may not be saved to a state file.

GFI_numDetachedApps stores the number of applications that were detached by the system upon MSG_META_DETACH. These applications and their associated state data will be saved to the GFI_apps chunk so that they will be brought up in their previous state.

GFI_numRestartedApps stores the number of applications that have been restarted from state files upon MSG_META_ATTACH. These restarted applications should reflect the applications detached during the previous system shutdown.

GFI_numAttachingApps stores the number of applications currently trying to attach to the system. The system keeps track of these applications in case the system must shutdown during an application’s attach cycle.

GFI_apps stores a chunk array of AppInstanceReference structures. This data is used on MSG_META_ATTACH to bring up applications to their previous state.

GFI_processes similarly stores a chunk array of processes in progress under this GenField. This chunk array is saved to state so that these processes may continue when GEOS is restarted.

GFI_genApplications stores the number of GenApplications currently launched within the GenField. This data is not saved to state.

GFI_numAppsToCheck stores the number of applications the UI must check with before shutting down.

GFI_notificationDestination stores the object that should receive the Field’s notification messages (MSG_META_FIELD_NOTIFY_DETACH, MSG_META_FIELD_NOTIFY_NO_FOCUS, MSG_META_FIELD_NOTIFY_START_LANUCHER_ERROR). GenField Messages

GenFieldClass provides a variety of messages to communicate with the system object and applications. Most of these messages are internal, and those that are not internal are rarely needed. You may in rare cases find it useful to subclass GenField objects, in which case you may need to intercept some of the following messages.

Background Bitmaps
MSG_GEN_FIELD_RESET_BG, MSG_GEN_FIELD_ENABLE_BITMAP The GenField object may have a bitmap attached to it, to display in the field  below the applications.
Field Start-up and Shutdown
MSG_GEN_FIELD_GET_LAUNCH_MODEL MSG_GEN_FIELD_EXIT_TO_DOS is sent when the field should exit the system  and return to the DOS prompt. This message is sent to the GenField object so  that fields may intercept it and perform their own shutdown maintenance.  You should only intercept this if you create a custom GenField.

MSG_GEN_FIELD_ABOUT_TO_CLOSE is sent by a GenField environment application (such as Welcome) to tell the field that it is about to be closed. If `quitOnClose’ is set in the field’s .INI file, the GenField will attempt to quit all applications running in that GenField. Otherwise, the GenField does nothing; it waits until all open applications are exited, at which point MSG_META_FIELD_NOTIFY_NO_FOCUS will be sent to the GenField.

MSG_GEN_FIELD_NO_APPS_RESTORED is sent to the GenField object when the Field has been restarted to inform it that no applications have been restarted from the state file.

MSG_GEN_FIELD_OPEN_WINDOW_LIST is sent to the GenField to bring up a window list dialog. Certain specific UIs (such as Presentation Manager) support this. Other specific UIs may ignore this message.

MSG_GEN_FIELD_GET_TOP_GEN_APPLICATION returns the top (visual) GenApplication for the GenField sent this message.

MSG_GEN_FIELD_GET_LAUNCH_MODEL retrieves the UILaunchModel in use for this field.


void	MSG_GEN_FIELD_EXIT_TO_DOS(); This message requests the GenField to exit the system and return to DOS.  The message is sent to the GenField so that custom fields (such as Welcome)  can intercept the message and react accordingly by initiating shutdown  procedures.

Source: Usually the UI.

Destination: GenField object.

Interception: May be intercepted if you have a custom GenField object that needs to perform certain shutdown procedures before exiting to DOS (such as shutting down applications).


void	MSG_GEN_FIELD_ABOUT_TO_CLOSE(); This message is sent by an environment application (like Welcome) to inform  a GenField that it is about to be closed. The GenField then has the option of  quitting any applications or waiting until the applications themselves are  closed by the user. If `quitOnClose' is set the GenField's .INI file category,  then the GenField will quit all open applications. Otherwise, it will ignore  the request to quit.

Source: Unrestricted, though usually an environment application resident on top of a GenField object.

Destination: The GenField object.

Interception: May be intercepted if you have a custom GenField.


void	MSG_GEN_FIELD_NO_APPS_RESTORED(); This message serves as notification that no processes have been restarted  from the state file.

Source: The kernel

Destination: GenField object

Interception: May be intercepted to support custom behavior for a custom GenField object.


void	MSG_GEN_FIELD_OPEN_WINDOW_LIST(); This message may be sent by any object that wishes to bring up a GenField's  window list dialog (if available).

Source: Unrestricted.

Destination: GenField object under a specific UI that supports window list dialogs.

Interception: Generally not intercepted.


optr	MSG_GEN_FIELD_GET_TOP_GEN_APPLICATION(); This message returns the GenField's top application object.

Source: Unrestricted.

Destination: GenField object.

Return: optr of top visual GenApplication object.

Interception: Generally not intercepted.


word	MSG_GEN_FIELD_GET_LAUNCH_MODEL(); This message returns the GenField's **UILaunchModel** in use.

Source: Unrestricted.

Destination: GenField object.

Return: UILaunchModel in use by the GenField.

Interception: Generally not intercepted.

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