6 Debug Utility

The Debug application allows the user to quickly change the debugging environment on the target machine. It works with the target’s .ini to simulate the UI of different kinds of machines. It also allows for an easy way to switch back and forth between the regular and profiling kernels.

Debug’s simulation simulates the UI layouts of various platforms. While this is useful for laying out an application’s UI gadgetry, remember that the real platforms will have different sets of system files and different hardware. For more complete testing, you should use an environment with the complete system files (e.g., to test a Zoomer program, use the ZOOM target directory). If your program is meant to work on a particular type of device, you should run some tests on that device as well.

6.1 Changing Platforms

Select the “Platform” item of the Options menu to change to another platform. Debug allows the target machine to simulate different platforms by means of .ini files which are stored in the target machine’s INI subdirectory of the top-level GEOS directory. Depending on the contents of the selected .ini file, GEOS will act like a different device.

To select a new .ini file, click on it. A description of the platform simulated by the .ini file will appear. Some .ini files have been set up to simulate special hardware devices; others have been set up to test performance under different video modes. When you have selected the .ini file you want, click on the OK button to shut down GEOS and restart using the new .ini file.

Note that your personal .ini file is preserved-its [paths] ini field is updated to link in your selected platform .ini file.

If you wish to set up your own platform .ini file, make sure that it is in the proper subdirectory and contains a description of what it is simulating. Debug looks for .ini files in the INI subdirectory of the top-level GEOS directory. The platform descriptions are stored in the notes field of the [system] category in the .ini file. See one of the provided .ini files for an example of this.

6.2 Switching Kernels

The “Profile” item of the Options menu allows you to switch between the regular and profiling GEOS kernels. The profiling kernel runs slower than the regular kernel, but compiles information useful for optimizing geodes.

When debugging, you may have several kernels residing in your SYSTEM directory. Debug creates a batch file which copies the appropriate kernel to geos.geo (or geosec.geo on an error-checking system). This kernel will then be used when GEOS restarts.

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