1 Welcome

This manual provides full information about the GEOS development tools. It also details your system configuration (directory tree, files, etc.) after you’ve finished installing the tools. This manual is intended as a reference guide. You should begin learning about GEOS programming with the tutorial.

The five main sections of this manual are:

System Configuration
A listing of the directories and files that are on your machines after installation. This section also gives an overview of all the sample applications, where they’re located, and their purposes.

Swat and TCL
Documentation for Swat, along with in-depth reference for TCL, a language by which you can write Swat commands.

GEOS Utilities
Documentation for some GEOS developer utilities which run in the environment.

A listing of all the categories, keys, and options allowed in the GEOS.INI and GEOSEC.INI files.

A reference section detailing the command-line usage and options of all the tools.

Table of Contents    –> System Configuration